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Kamis, 24 September 2015

Hal Sederhana yang Sebenarnya Sangat Mengganggu

Foto-foto ini tampak biasa saja pada awalnya, namun lama kelamaan kamu akan menemukan kejanggalan yang membuatmu merasa sedikit �terganggu�. Mari temukan kejanggalannya!

1. Dinding tidak �menyatu� dengan langit-langit

Walls that don't quite join up with ceilings.

2. Lampu yang �salah�!

Lights that are wrong. Just wrong.

3. Yakin mau pakai tisu toilet ini?

When the thing that was meant to dry your wet hands completely fell apart because it was touched by your wet hands.

4. Roti yang aneh

Pieces of bread that don't give a damn about your butter.

5. Ini donat atau roti biasa?

Bagels that have suffered a terrible violation.

Masih ada halaman selanjutnya lhoo..

6. Ada yang janggal?

This one switch.

7. Jawaban yang dihapus

Erasers that had one job.

8. Cincin binder terputus

Binder rings that had one job.

9. Hapus keringat dengan ini

This feeling on your wrist like wet little kisses from the devil himself.

10. Pola yang sedikit salah

This abomination of a pattern.

11. Bangku taman yang membuat sengsara

This park bench that just wants you to be miserable.

12. Pemanggang roti paling buruk

45 Photos That Will Annoy You More Than They Should

13. Packaging yang menyebalkan

This humiliating packaging.

14. Sulitnya mencuci tangan di wastafel sempit ini

The maddening sensation of pressing up against cold porcelain.

15. Main game bowling di area bowling

Some children.

16. Orang tua..

Some parents.

17. Ada yang salah dengan susunan anjing?

Puppies that totally ruined what would have been the best photo ever.

18. Kebesaran?

This idiocy.

19. Sendok basah bercampur gula

Wet spoons in the sugar.

20. Toilet aneh

Slightly askew toilet seats.

21. Olesan mentega beku pada roti tawar

Hard butter on soft bread.

22. Ada yang janggal?

The people who (a) decided they needed five paper towel dispensers and (b) implemented their shitty idea in the worst way possible.

23. Terlalu jauh

This reach.

24. �Kehilangan� selai cokelat

This doughnut that was stripped of all its joy.

25. Siap-siap teler membaca pesan

People who desperately need to "mark all as read".

26. Wow

This absolute nightmare.

27. Charger putus

The agony of this charger.

28. Kesalahan fatal

This error which cannot be fixed.

29. Pisau tenggelam

Knife handles swimming in wet food.

30. Menyebalkan!

This aarrrggghhhhHHHHH.

31. Mangkok pelangi

These bowls that should have been a rainbow, but decided to be the fucking worst instead.

32. Mungkin sejenis monster yang menggigitnya

The monster who did this.

33. Makanan siapa?

This poor citizenship.

34. Aneh

This even poorer logic.

35. Bagaimana minumnya..

Weakling drinking fountains.

36. Gunting yang terkunci

Scissors that need scissors to open them.

37. Mobil tanpa pemilik

Vehicle owners who couldn't be more douchey if they tried.

38. Alpukat

This sorry excuse for an avocado.

39. Salah (lagi)

This ironic mistake which would be funny if it wasn't so agonising.

40. Kapan berhentinya?

45 Photos That Will Annoy You More Than They Should


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